Configuring Arbortext Publishing Engine (Configuration d'Arbortext Publishing Engine) > Understanding Queuing on the Serveur Arbortext PE > Configuring Queues > The Basic Arbortext Publishing Engine Queue
The Basic Arbortext Publishing Engine Queue
Arbortext Publishing Engine has one basic Queue implemented in e3config.xml. It specifies the class com.arbortext.e3.ArbortextQueue with the ID default-queue.
It accepts all requests and process them in the order they are received. You can use this queue as a sample to follow for adding and configuring other queues. Queue Managers process queues in the order that they are configured in the e3config.xml file. Remember to give each queue a unique name.
The Arbortext queue supports the following basic features:
Can examine a transaction and either accept it or decline
Can be enabled or disabled, according to its configuration or manually
Can be active or inactive, according to its configuration
Can list the transactions queued within it and determine their priority
Can allow a transaction to be moved up or down in the list
Can allow a transaction to be deleted from the queue
Can hold all transactions in the queue, even when it’s enabled and active
Consult Monitoring Queues for information on queue administration. See The Global Queuing Parameters and Specifying Queues for information on configuration parameters for queues.