Configuring Arbortext Publishing Engine (Configuration d'Arbortext Publishing Engine) > Configuring Arbortext Editor to Use Serveur Arbortext PE > Arbortext Publishing Engine Security Framework > Security Framework Logging
Security Framework Logging
Each time the Arbortext PE Request Manager receives a request and evaluates it, it writes an entry to an audit log file describing the request itself, the decision reached `(allow to proceed, reject), and the reason for the decision. Following is an example from an audit log file:
09:27:20 [http-apr-8080-exec-2] INFO GateLogEntry.auditLog -
uri='/e3/servlet/e3' secured='false' host=''
addr='' protocol='HTTP/1.1' scheme='http' method='GET'
query='f=status' sc='admin-requests' authReq='true'
alreadyAuth='false' triedAuth='true' rcAuth='false'
remoteUser=null' allowed='false' why='du' status='401'
reason='Response set up to request authentication.'
09:27:25 [http-apr-8080-exec-3] INFO GateLogEntry.auditLog -
uri='/e3/servlet/e3' secured='false' host=''
addr='' protocol='HTTP/1.1' scheme='http'
method='GET' query='f=status' sc='admin-requests'
authReq='true' alreadyAuth= 'false' triedAuth='true'
rcAuth='true' remoteUser=ati' allowed='true' why='arm'
status='200' reason='user 'ati' has role 'pe-admin''
10:53:47 [http-apr-8080-exec-6] INFO GateLogEntry.auditLog -
uri='/e3/jsp/queuelist.jsp' secured='false' host=''
addr='' protocol='HTTP/1.1' scheme='http' method='GET'
query='null' sc='admin-requests' authReq='true'
alreadyAuth='false' triedAuth='true' rcAuth='false'
remoteUser=null' allowed='false' why='du' status='401'
reason='Response set up to request authentication.'
10:53:47 [http-apr-8080-exec-7] INFO GateLogEntry.auditLog -
uri='/e3/jsp/queuelist.jsp' secured='false' host=''
addr='' protocol='HTTP/1.1' scheme='http' method='GET'
query='null' sc='admin-requests' authReq='true'
alreadyAuth='false' triedAuth='true' rcAuth='true' remoteUser=ati'
allowed='true' why='arm' status='200'
reason='user 'ati' has role 'pe-admin''
10:53:52 [http-apr-8080-exec-5] INFO GateLogEntry.auditLog -
uri='/e3/servlet/e3' secured='false' host=''
addr='' protocol='HTTP/1.1' scheme='http' method='GET'
sc='unrestricted-requests' authReq='false' alreadyAuth='false'
triedAuth='false' rcAuth='false' remoteUser='null' allowed='true'
why='aru' status='200'
reason='No authentication required for this request.'
Each entry starts with the time of the request, the thread ID, the message level, and the issuing module. Each entry then reports the following items:
uri — URI of the request as received by Arbortext Publishing Engine
host — Name of the Serveur Arbortext PE
addr — IP address of the Serveur Arbortext PE
protocol — Request protocol
scheme — Scheme of the URL (http or https)
query — The request query string
sc — ID of the security constraint that matched the request
authReq — "true" if authentication was required. Otherwise, "false".
alreadyAuth — "true" if the request was already authenticated
triedAuth — "true" if the Arbortext PE Request Manager tried to authenticate the request
rcAuth — "true" or "false" as returned from the authentication attempt
remoteUser — User ID of an authenticated request
allowed — "true" if the security constraint allowed the request to proceed. Otherwise, "false".
why — Value to provide to PTC Technical Support when filing a case
status — HTTP result code returned if access was denied
reason — Description of why access was or was not allowed
Use the following approaches to ensure requests are being properly accepted and rejected.
Examine the audit log file.
Open e3config.xml and set the debug flag to “true”. Send requests to Arbortext Publishing Engine and examine the servlet log.