Configuring Arbortext Publishing Engine (Configuration d'Arbortext Publishing Engine) > Setting Configuration Parameters > Specifying Queues > The active-interval Attribute
The active-interval Attribute
Specifies the times and days during which a queue is active and its transactions can be executed. The default is the empty string "", which means the queue is always active.
Enter a list of time periods separated by semicolons, using the form:
A period can be one of the following:
sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, weekday, or weekend
You can also include the time of day by adding a comma after the day and then specifying the time range, using the form:
A time range consists of a 24 hour specification. If the second HH:MM specification is earlier than the first, then it specifies a time on the following day. If the second HH:MM is omitted, it defaults to 23:59.
For example:
Parameter name="active-interval" value="weekday"
The queue is active all day Monday through Friday but not on weekends.
Parameter name="active-interval" value="weekday,20:00–06:00;weekend"
The queue is active Monday through Friday from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. the next morning and all day on weekends.
Parameter name="active-interval" value="monday,12:00–16:00;wednesday,17:00"
The queue is active on Mondays from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. and on Wednesdays from 5 PM to midnight. The end of the day is implied when no end time is specified.