Specifying Test Sets
A TestSet can specify one or more Test names used to filter the HTTP request. A Test refers to a RequestSelector ID of the same name that specifies what to filter in the HTTP request. A Queue Manager, a queue, an Sous-processus Arbortext PE pool and a defined notifier can each specify a TestSet. You can create sophisticated tests for routing a request by combining Tests using optional And or Or logic within a TestSet.
For example, you could implement a sub-process pool dedicated to fulfilling Arbortext Editor publishing requests. A sub-process pool with id="pool-tie" could define two Tests in a TestSet, called test-f-java and test-tie. Use And logic, so that both must be present to succeed. The Test names refer to configured RequestSelector of the same name, test-f-java and test-tie, defined as follows:
<RequestSelector class="com.arbortext.e3.TestQueryMatch" id="test-f-java"
<Parameter name="query-name" value="f"/>
<Parameter name="query-pattern" value="java" />
RequestSelector class="com.arbortext.e3.TestQueryMatch" id="test-tie">
<Parameter name="query-name" value="class"/>
<Parameter name="query-pattern" value="com.arbortext.e3c.*" />
Then the sub-process pool would define the TestSet to specify these tests:
<Test name="test-f-java" />
<Test name="test-tie" />
A couple of test sets are configured in e3config.xml by default for archiving transactions. If a transaction matches the criteria in one of the test sets, then the transaction will be archived (provided com.arbortext.e3.transactionArchive.enable is set to true):
• The test for archiving transactions that are made available through the Transaction Archive link on the Arbortext Publishing Engine index page:
<TestSet id="archive-transaction-test">
<Test name="test-archive-transaction"/>
The transaction archive parameter that identifies the ID of the test set for the query to match:
<Parameter name="com.arbortext.e3.transactionArchive.testSet"
value="archive-transaction-test" />
The query parameter looks for a match on the request for archive-transaction=yes.
• The test for archiving transactions that are stored in an alternate location (not made available through the Transaction Archive link):
<TestSet id="archive-transaction-to-alternate-location-test">
<Test name="test-alternate-transaction-archive" />
The transaction archive parameter that identifies the ID of the test set for the query to match:
<Parameter name="com.arbortext.e3.transactionArchive.
value="archive-transaction-to-alternate-location-test" />
The query parameter looks for a match on the request for alternate-transaction-archive=yes.
For further information about configuring a
RequestSelector, refer to
Specifying Request Selectors.