Integrating Arbortext Publishing Engine with Apache Tomcat
If the Arbortext Publishing Engine Configuration program detects Tomcat on the system, it prompts you during installation to integrate Tomcat with Arbortext Publishing Engine. Integrating with Tomcat is required for Arbortext Publishing Engine. If you choose to bypass these prompts, you can still perform these integrations later.
You must ensure that Tomcat is configured in line with current security best practices.
To integrate Arbortext Publishing Engine with Tomcat
1. If it's not already open, start the Arbortext Publishing Engine Configuration program. The Arbortext Publishing Engine Configuration program is available from its Arbortext Publishing Engine program group shortcut. Choose the Tomcat tab.
2. In the Tomcat group box, look at the value in the PE Integration field. If the value is none, click the Add button to add Arbortext Publishing Engine information to the Tomcat configuration file TOMCAT_HOME\conf\server.xml.
If the field value is other, you may need to investigate another Arbortext Publishing Engine installation before you can proceed. If the value is other, choosing Add replaces the other Arbortext Publishing Engine integration with this new one.
3. If the value in the Service Status field is stopped, you can click the Restart button. You don't need to Stop the service before making changes; the Configuration d'Arbortext Publishing Engine program will stop and restart the Tomcat service when you choose OK to exit.
4. Click the Launch PE index page button to open the Arbortext Publishing Engine index page. The Arbortext Publishing Engine page has links for getting information, converting a demo document to a variety of output formats, running test applications, and obtaining the list of Arbortext Publishing Engine web services. If the Arbortext Publishing Engine index page appears in a web browser, Tomcat is running, and it has been successfully configured to find the Arbortext PE Request Manager.
5. On the Arbortext Publishing Engine index page, you can click on the Status link to test whether Arbortext PE Request Manager can return a status report. If a status report is returned, then Tomcat is successfully running the Arbortext PE Request Manager.
6. To test that Arbortext Publishing Engine can handle a request to do work, click on one of the links under Test Arbortext Publishing Engine. If information or the requested converted file is returned, then Arbortext Publishing Engine is working properly.