Publishing Configuration
The configuration information returned in the
Arbortext Publishing Engine Publishing Configuration report lists all the document types, document type configuration files, and stylesheets available from the
Serveur Arbortext PE. You can review this information by choosing the link for the format you want for
View information about the publishing configuration from the
Arbortext Publishing Engine index page. Click the
Short link to retrieve the HTML version of the report. (Refer to
Monitoring and Reporting Using a Web Browser for more information on using the index page.)
The PE Publishing Configuration report lists all available stylesheets, and it references a stylesheet by both its path and its name in separate entries. The report warns of any duplicate stylesheet names on the server. If a stylesheet name is not unique on the server, Arbortext Publishing Engine uses the first one it finds.
If Arbortext Publishing Engine is restarted, the Arbortext Editor client is not aware of any changes. To be certain Arbortext Editor has up-to-date publishing information, users must perform one of the following to cause Arbortext Editor to automatically obtain the latest Arbortext Publishing Engine publishing configuration information:
• Disable and then enable Use Publishing Engine in the Publishing Engine panel of > .
• Turn peservices off and then on again in > > .
• Exit and restart Arbortext Editor.
Arbortext Editor uses can take advantage of the
Arbortext Publishing Engine queuing capabilities. For more information, refer to
Queuing for Arbortext Editor Clients.
Arbortext Editor can also compare its publishing configuration with Arbortext Publishing Engine publishing configuration using the > menu item. In the Compare Publishing Configuration with PE dialog box, Arbortext Editor users can generate the Publishing Configuration Comparison report, which notes the differences between the publishing environment on the client and on the server. This report is helpful in troubleshooting publishing processing, and you should include it with the data you submit when reporting a problem to Technical Support.
The Arbortext Editor user has a companion tool to use for troubleshooting. If there are problems with publishing, the user can run a > and choose from two Save options for gathering data about publishing:
• Local Data
saves the application data associated with the local machine’s publishing configuration, and it also enables Compare Local Configuration with PE. If it’s checked, the application save will contain the comparison of the local machine’s publishing configuration with the Serveur Arbortext PE configuration.
• PE Data
transmits the current document to the Serveur Arbortext PE. The server opens the document and generates an application save on the server. It will include the data requested from the choices for Copy document type and Copy all applications.
If you are using a content pipeline on the Serveur Arbortext PE for processing large documents and have memory consumption problems, you can improve content pipeline publishing processing by using the doc_estimate_dfs ACL function and set bigjobthreshold ACL command option. Refer to the Arbortext Command Language Reference for information.