Configuring Arbortext Publishing Engine (Configuration d'Arbortext Publishing Engine) > Configuring Arbortext Editor to Use Serveur Arbortext PE > Arbortext Publishing Engine Security Framework > Configuring Users and Roles
Configuring Users and Roles
Configuring Roles on Arbortext Publishing Engine
At installation, e3config.xml references only two roles: “pe-user” and "pe-admin". You may want to define more roles. (For example, restricting f=java requests to users with the role "java-client" and f=acl requests to users with the role "acl-client".)
To define additional roles, perform these steps:
1. Open e3config.xml and create security constraints with role parameters specifying the new roles.
2. OpenPE_HOME\e3\e3\WEB-INF\web.xml and define each new role created in e3config.xml. The content of web.xml is defined in the Java Servlet Standard.
Following is an example of the role-related content of web.xml as installed:
<!-- These are the security roles referenced by e3config.xml.
If you need additional roles in e3config.xml, you must add
them here, too. Note that you must modify Tomcat's tomcat-
users.xml file to define user IDs which are members of these