About Arbortext Styler > Arbortext Styler Dialog Boxes > Index Term (Element Model) Details Dialog Box
Index Term (Element Model) Details Dialog Box
The Index Term (Element Model) Details dialog box displays when you select the Index Term (Element Model) style for an element. It allows you to define the elements that should be used to output content for an index entry. You can also access this dialog box by selecting the Edit > Edit Style Details menu choice to modify the settings for an element that has been assigned the Index Term (Element Model) style.
The Index Term (Element Model) Details dialog box contains the following options:
Indexes tab - specifies the indexes in which the index term being styled with this dialog box will be included.
Available indexes - a list of the index definition objects configured for the stylesheet. Select an index object then click Add to specify that the index term should appear in the indexes formatted by that index object.
Selected indexes - the indexes in which the index term will be included. Select an index object then click Remove to confirm that the index term should not appear in indexes formatted by that index object.
Roles tab - specifies the elements that hold index entry content, and defines a role for each element in an index entry.
Available elements - Lists the elements that are permitted to perform a role in the index term being styled. The list contains child elements of the index term element that are unstyled or styled as Inline or Hidden. The element being styled is automatically classed as the wrapper element for an index term. You can also configure the roles of its children in the index term, if required. This allows you to configure more than one element (plus children) as index term elements. It also permits a child element to be part of multiple index models.
Click Add to specify that the element holds index entry content.
Index term elements - Lists the elements that have been identified as index entry content holders, and the role that is currently set for each. The role defines the level at which the value of the attribute will be output in the index.
Click Remove to confirm that the element does not hold index entry content.
Element role - Defines the possible roles for an element within the index term. To set a role for an element, highlight the element in the Index term elements list, then select a role from the Element role list. Once you have assigned a role to an element, that role will be deactivated for selection with another element.
Name of optional 'sort as' attribute - Allows you select an attribute of the element given the Level 1 term role to use as a sorting attribute. The index entry will be included under a heading other than the one determined by default alphabetic sorting by the first letter of the entry. For example, see the sample index below, which contains two entries:
With default alphabetic sorting these two entries will be placed under the same character headings in the index, i.e. “T”, as their primary terms both start with the same letter. However, if you select the sortas attribute as an option for sorting in the Name of optional 'sort as' attribute field, you can add a sortas attribute to each of the primary index terms in the document, to allow them to be placed in other groups:
<primary sortas="J">Taylor</primary>
<primary sortas="S">Taylor</primary>
Now the first index entry will appear in the “J” group in the index, while the second entry will be grouped under “S”.
Note that you can use any of the attributes permitted for the level 1 indexterm element for sorting, and the index entry will be grouped under the character heading representing the first letter of the sorting attribute's value.