Help > Authoring > Equations > Customizing the Equation Editor > Equation Editor Markup Names
Equation Editor Markup Names
Following is a list of the SGML markup that the Equation Editor uses to represent mathematical symbols. The SGML is based on the American Association of Publishers (AAP) international mathematics standard, ISO 8879. Those constructs the AAP standard did not address were invented by Arbortext. The SGML markup appears first in these listing, followed by any notations. Those constructs Arbortext invented are indicated by the notation “invented.”
SGML markup is set in boldface Courier (for example, <fl>; &bigotimes; 9). In cases where TeX equivalents are given, the TeX code is set in regular boldface type (for example, \eqalign).
All markup icons are paired unless otherwise mentioned. For example, in actual use the SGML notation for the beginning of a bold Greek section (<bg>) would be paired with the notation for the end of that section (</bg> ). The code for the desired bold Greek character would appear between those two markup icons.
<a> accent
<ac> accent component
<ar> array (matrix)
<arc> array column
<arr> array row
<atop>\atop -- obsolete (replaced by <stk>)
<b> bold
bg> bold Greek
<case> individual case inside \cases <cases> \cases
construct <ceqn> centered equation -- obsolete
<cp> centered post -- element of <fen> -- singleton
<de> denominator of fraction
<dsty> \displaystyle --obsolete <eqaln> internal \eqalign
(aligned equation) <eqline> individual line inside
<f> in-line equation
<fd> display equation
<fen> fence (paired delimiter)
<fl> formula line (lines inside equation)
<fr> fraction
<g> greek
<ge> German
<hsp> horizontal space -- singleton tag
<ig> italic Greek
<in> integral
<inc> obsolete
<inf> inferior (subscript)
<it> italic
<lim> general large operator
<ll> lower limit (subscript of large operator)
<lyr> layer -- component of <stk>
<mit> math italic
<nu> numerator of fraction
<op> operator -- component of <lim>
<opd> operand -- component of <lim>
<ovb> overbrace (invented)
<ovl> overline
<phr> phrase
<pr> product
<rad> radical
<rcd> radicand -- component of radical
<rdx> radical index -- component of radical
<rf> roman function (like sin, cos)
<rm> roman <rp> right post -- component of
<sc> script (calligraphic)
<sssty> \scriptscriptstyle -- obsolete
<ssty> \scriptstyle -- obsolete
<stk> stack (\atop)
<sum> summation
<sup> superior (superscript)
<tex> tex input -- obsolete
<tsty> \textstyle -- obsolete
<ty> typewriter type (computer font)
<ul> upper limit -- component of <lim>
<unb> underbrace (invented)
<unl> underline
<vmk> vertical mark -- used inside <fl> -- singleton
<vmkr> vertical mark reference -- also used inside <fl>
-- singleton