Help > Printing and Publishing > Printing (Print Composer Option) > Printing
Prerequisite: Arbortext PE server, Arbortext Styler, or Print Composer Option
For the compact installation of Arbortext Editor, you must use Arbortext PE server. The compact installation does not support direct printing of a document. Instead, Print operates the same as Print Preview. In both cases, the document is published on the Arbortext PE server and displayed as a PDF document in Adobe Reader. You can then use Adobe Reader to print the PDF.
You can format and print your document by choosing File > Print.
If you are using an Arbortext PE server, Print Engine displays which publishing engine will be used: PTC Advanced Print Publisher (PTC APP), FOSI, or XSL-FO. For more information on these publishing engines, see Publishing engine overview.
When you print a document using a non-PostScript printer, Arbortext Editor prints any EPSF graphics using a low-resolution bitmap equivalent. EPS graphics without an embedded TIFF preview don’t display in the Edit window or in Print Preview. They will print only if the printer or printer driver is PostScript. For more information, see EPS (PostScript).
Based on the document type, you can select a stylesheet in Select Stylesheets. The dialog box is configured in the .dcf file for the document type.
Follow these steps to print:
1. Choose File > Print to print a formatted version of your document. The Print dialog box opens.
2. Set the print information as follows:
Name — Choose the printer.
Properties — Opens a dialog box for the specified printer in which you can set additional printer properties.
Print to File — Check the box to print to a file instead of paper. See Printing to a file for more information.
Stylesheet — Choose the stylesheet you want to apply from the list. Click Browse to locate an existing stylesheet that does not appear in the list.
If you are Using Arbortext Publishing Engine for Publishing Documents, the list displays the stylesheets available from the Arbortext Publishing Engine server. The notation (pe) precedes the stylesheet name. Local stylesheets are ignored; you can't send a stylesheet to the server with your document.
This option is controlled by the allowComposeStylesheetList attribute on the Options element configured in the document type configuration file (.dcf).
Config File specifies the configuration file to use when formatting the document if your Print Engine is PTC APP.
If you are using Arbortext Publishing Engine for publishing documents, the list displays the notation (pe) preceding the configuration file. These are the configuration files available from the Arbortext PE server. Local configuration files are ignored, and you can't send one to the server with your document.
Print Engine displays the type of publishing engine being used.
If your document has change tracking, you can publish the document in any of the change tracking states. By default, the change tracking view from the Edit window is selected, except when publishing from a DITA map.
If you are publishing a DITA map, Changes Applied is selected by default. When publishing from a DITA Map, the Change Tracking view that's selected applies only to the topics referenced from the DITA maps. The DITA map itself, as well as other referenced maps, will always be published with Changes Applied, regardless of the Change Tracking view selected (even if a map has change tracking markup).
The choices are:
Changes with Highlighting — Shows all proposed changes, highlighted with revision marks.
Changes Applied — Shows all proposed changes incorporated into the document, without revision marks.
Original — Shows the original document without proposed changes incorporated into the document.
Print range — Indicates which pages you want to print. Your choices are:
All — Prints the entire document.
Pages — Prints a range of pages that you specify in the page range entry field. Enter the page numbers separated by a comma for individual pages or a hyphen to include all pages within the range (for example, 1, 3. 5–7).
Copies — Specifies the number of copies of the document or pages to be printed. If you choose multiple copies, all copies of one page are printed before the next page is printed.
Options — Provides these additional options:
Crop Marks — Turns on printing of crop marks. See Inserting Printers’ Marks in Print Output for additional information.
Datemark Header — Adds a page header which contains the current date, filename, user-id, and page number at the top of each page.
Registration Marks — Turns on printing registration marks. Available only when using PTC Advanced Print Publisher (PTC APP).
Reverse Page Order — Prints the pages last-to-first. This is useful if your printer stacks the first page printed at the bottom of the pile. (Note that some documents that include PostScript prologues may not print with reverse page ordering.)
Scale to Fit — Automatically scales the pages in a document to fit the selected paper size.
Set Profiles — Opens the Set Profiles dialog box. If you have printed the document previously in your current Arbortext Editor session, your last profile settings will be displayed. The Set Profiles button is only available if profiles have been configured for the selected document type.
3. If you want to cancel a print request after it has been started and before the output has been sent to the printer, choose File > Stop Formatting.