Searching in the Print Preview Window
You can search for one or more occurrences of text in the Print Preview window.
1. Open the Find Text dialog box by choosing > .
2. The Find Text dialog box contains the following options:
◦ Find What — searches the document for the text box contents. The results of the search are underlined in red.
◦ Match Whole Word Only — when checked, finds only the entire word that matches the Find What text. For example, it finds only the and ignores theatre when searching for the.
◦ Match Case — when checked, makes the search case-sensitive. For example, use it to find only DocBook in your document, and ignore Docbook.
◦ Direction — determines the direction of the search from the current cursor location. Click the desired option button to choose:
▪ Up — searches toward the top of the document.
▪ Down — searches toward the bottom of the document.
◦ Cancel — closes the dialog box without performing a search.
◦ Help — brings up context-specific help.
3. Choose Find Text to initiate the search.
Repeating a search
1. To repeat a search for text, choose > .