Help > Authoring > Fundamental Tasks > Understanding the Edit Window > Menus > Equation Editor Menus > Equation EditorCommands Menu
Equation EditorCommands Menu
The Commands menu provides important commands for manipulating the Equation Editor, multi-level equation constructs, and Equation Editor function keys.
Resize Frame allows you to change the size of the Equation Editor window so that it encloses the entire equation.
Open/Close Palette opens a closed Palette and closes an open Palette.
Replace This Object allows you to replace a symbol or construct without first deleting it. This is particularly useful if the symbol contains subscripts or superscripts, or if the object is a multi-component construct. To use it, move the marker over the symbol or construct, choose Replace This Object, then choose the replacement.
Make Aligned vs Centered is used when you have more than one line of equations and you want to change the justification of the lines. Use the ENTER key to start a new equation line. The default is centered.
Make Display vs Inline changes the display style from display to inline and vice versa.
This menu choice does not work for DITA documents.
Align On This Symbol controls the vertical alignment of equation lines along a specific symbol. Choose this option when the character you want aligned with others is outlined. A dotted vertical line appears on the left of the symbol to mark the axis of alignment, and the equation is shifted horizontally so that the outlined symbols become aligned with other symbols marked for alignment.
Insert Row Above allows you to insert a new equation line above the current line. It also adds rows to matrices and cases statements.
Insert Row Below allows you to insert a new equation line below the current line. It also adds rows to matrices and cases statements.
Delete Row deletes the entire current line. It also deletes rows from matrices and case statements.
Join Row Below allows you to join consecutive lines of the equation.
Keyboard Equivalents allows you to use options on this submenu instead of a keyboard command. The options include most of the function keys' commands (sub- and superscript, expand and contract, go right and left, and so on).