Loose Content Model for Custom Table
A loose content model in a document type is one in which an element defined as a row consists of any number of cells in any order. For example, assume a table content model like the following:
• Element Table consists of one or more Row elements.
• Element Row consists of any number of the elements C1, C2, or C3, in any order.
Sample markup for the table may look like the following:
<Row> <C3>...</C3> </Row>
<Row> <C1>...</C1> <C3>...</C3> <C2>...</C2> <C1>...</C1> </Row>
<Row> <C2>...</C2> <C3>...</C3> </Row>
This table can be configured as a custom table with three rows and four columns. Rows with less than the maximum number of cell elements will have cells displayed with a gray “X” indicating cells with no content associated with them.