Help > Arbortext Editor Overview > Using Arbortext Publishing Engine for Publishing Documents > Publishing Configuration
Publishing Configuration
Arbortext Editor can compare its publishing configuration with Arbortext Publishing Engine publishing configuration using the Tools > Administrative Tools > Compare Config with Publishing Engine menu item. In the Compare Publishing Configuration with PE Dialog Box, you can generate the Publishing Configuration Comparison report, which notes the differences between the publishing environment on the client and on the server. This report is helpful in troubleshooting publishing processing. If you report a problem to Technical Support, you will likely need to submit a copy of the report.
If you are having problems with your publishing output, you can retrieve the intermediate files as well as the event log containing additional logging information using the set debugcomposition option. The data is included when you run Tools > Save Application or the appsave command.
When Arbortext Publishing Engine is restarted, the Arbortext Editor client is not aware of any changes. To be certain Arbortext Editor has up-to-date publishing information, you can refresh it in any of the following ways:
Clear the Use Publishing Engine check box in Arbortext Publishing Engine. Save your change and exit preferences. Then reset it by checking the box and saving it again.
In Tools > Preferences, click the Advanced button and set peservices to off. Save your change and exit Preferences. Then reset it to on and save your preferences again.
Exit and restart Arbortext Editor.