Help > Authoring > Graphics > Inserting and Editing Graphics > Graphics Scaling
Graphics Scaling
You can change the size of graphics by modifying the attribute values used for graphic scaling. Note that the name of these attributes is determined by the graphic settings in the document type configuration (.dcf) file for your document type. For example, the vertScale attribute is height in a DITA document and depth in a DocBook document.
Follow these steps to scale a graphic:
1. Click on the graphic.
2. Choose Edit > Modify Attributes.
3. Enter a number for the scale attribute. Use a positive number representing a percentage. Enter 300 to increase the graphic's size threefold. Enter 50 to decrease the size by half.
You might have horizontal and vertical attributes that scale by percentage size of the graphic. Percentage scaling is primarily used for screen views.
1. Open the graphic Modify Attributes dialog box.
2. Provide a value for either the horizScale or vertScale attribute and leave the other attribute value blank. If both are supplied and not proportional to the graphic size, the smaller size is used:
a. horizScale — to set the width of the graphic, in the horizScale entry field, enter a percentage, omitting the percent sign. For example, to shrink the graphic to 50 percent of its size, enter: 50.
b. vertScale — to set the size of the graphic vertically, in the vertScale entry field, enter a percentage.
Scale to Fit
The scalefit attribute is either enabled (enter 1) or disabled (enter 0). If enabled, the graphic is scaled (to the same proportion in both dimensions) to be as large as possible without the resulting image width or height exceeding either the reproDepth attribute or reproWidth attribute value.
For the purposes of scaling to fit, the scale to fit width defaults to the currently available width (usually the column width). If the scalefit attribute is enabled, but neither the reproDepth or reproWidth attributes are set, the graphic is scaled to the currently available width.
Scaling a graphic by measurement
The scalefit attribute is primarily used for printed documents. If horizScale or vertScale is set, scalefit is disabled.
1. In the graphic Modify Attributes dialog box, after scalefit, enter 1 to enable or 0 to disable this feature.
2. Provide a value for the reproduction width and height:
a. reproWidth — set the width for the graphic. In the reprowid entry field, enter a measurement in inches (in), picas (pi), centimeters (cm), points (pt), or millimeters (mm). For example: 5in.
b. reproDepth — set the height (depth) of the graphic. In the reprodep entry field, enter a measurement.
3. If you have a value for either of the horizScale or vertScale attributes, change the value to 0.
Refer also to Graphic attribute values.