PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE Environment Variable
PTC Arbortext software looks for the PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE environment variable automatically when it starts. This variable setting provides the path to your node-locked license file or the port@servername specification where your software should retrieve a floating license. When you run Arbortext software for the first time, it checks for a valid license source in PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE. If it does not exist or has an incorrect value, you will need to specify it.
If you need to add or reset PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE, choose from the following:
• For a node-locked license file, set its value to the license file path.
• For a single floating license server, set its value to port@servername, for example, 6789@aberdeen.
• For a triad server configuration, set its value to:
For example:
• For a combination of node-locked and floating licenses, you would set its value to both the license file path and the port@servername. Note that each type of license option is separated by a semicolon (;). For example:
C:\User Data\All Users\Application Data\Arbortext\lm_12345678_standard.txt;3456@able,3456@baker,3456@charlie
It’s possible that your system administrator has deployed the licensing information to your computer (which is stored in the
PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE environment variable), and you may never be prompted for the information unless you encounter a license problem. Refer to
Windows Installation Alternatives and
Licensing Error dialog box for more information.
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