Arbortext Command Language > Functions by Alphabetical Listing > tbl_dlg_target
tbl_dlg_target ([type[, doc]])
This function returns the table object that table-related dialog boxes (such as the Table Properties dialog box) operate on. The return value is either a table selection object if one or more cells are selected, the ID of the cell containing the caret if there is no table selection, or h::tblNullToid if the caret is outside a table.
type — Optional. Determines the type of table object returned and is one of the strings returned by the tbl_obj_type function. Values include cell, row, column, grid, set, and selector. For example, tbl_dlg_target("row") returns the row id of the cell containing the caret, or the row id of the first cell in the table selection.
doc — Optional. Specifies the identifier of the document containing the table. If omitted or 0, the current document is used.
Related Topics
tbl_selection_get function
tbl_oid_cell function
tbl_obj_type function