Arbortext Command Language > set Command Options > set gentextautoupdate
set gentextautoupdate
set gentextautoupdate= { full | partial | none}
This command determines how the generated text in the Edit window updates. It can be changed when generated text is not visible, but the change won't affect program performance until you display the generated text (for example, by setting gentext to on).
The available settings are:
full — Updates the generated text in the current document, including tables of contents, indices and cross references. This setting works best with small documents without indices.
partial — (default setting) Updates the generated text in the current document, but does not update FOSI Time Independent Variables (TIVs). The most common examples of TIVs are tables of contents, indices and cross references. Other generated text, such as bullets for lists, and numbers for numbered lists or numbered sections, are updated.
none — The generated text does not automatically update. Updates to generated text must be manually initiated by choosing View > Generated Text > Update. Large documents work best with this setting.
To display generated text, use the set gentext command. You can set the gentextautoupdate option from several places in the user interface. From View > Generated Text, you can choose Full Auto-Updates, Partial Auto-Updates, or No Auto-Updates.
Related Topics
ACL coding for better generated text performance
Processing speed and generated text
set gentextdisableautoupdate