About Arbortext Styler > Arbortext Styler Dialog Boxes > Insert Attribute Content Dialog Box (Headers and Footers)
Insert Attribute Content Dialog Box (Headers and Footers)
This dialog box displays when you select Insert > Attribute Content in the Generated Text Editor for Header and Footer objects. It allows you to specify an attribute from the current document whose value should be inserted into the generated text for the header or footer object.
The Insert Attribute Content dialog box contains the following options:
Element selection - Defines the element in the document that contains the required attribute. Once you have defined the element that contains the required attribute here, select the attribute itself from the list contained in the Attribute to insert field.
By name and occurrence - A specific occurrence of an element within the current document:
Name - The element for which Arbortext Styler should search. You can select an element from the list or type in the element’s name.
If you enter the name of a namespaced element in this field, you will not be prompted to declare the namespace if it does not already exist. Ensure you have declared the namespace for the stylesheet by creating an element with the applicable prefix, or the element selection you enter in this field will not be valid
First started on page - The first occurrence of the named element that occurs on the page or, if there are no occurrences of the element on the page, the most recent occurrence of the element on a previous page.
Last started on page - The last occurrence of the named element that occurs on the page, or, if there are no occurrences of the element on the page, the most recent occurrence of the element on a previous page.
Specific occurrence within document - A specific occurrence of the named element within the whole document.
By XPath - The element matched by an XPath expression.
Expression - the XPath expression that will match the required element. Note that the expression must result in a node-set of element nodes.
The XPath expression must start navigation from the root of the document. There is no way for it to start somewhere relative to the content on the current page, or relative to content in the header. Generally this means the expression should start with a slash, i.e. /.
If you enter the name of a namespaced element in this field, you will not be prompted to declare the namespace if it does not already exist. Ensure you have declared the namespace for the stylesheet by creating an element with the applicable prefix, or the XPath expression you enter in this field will not be valid.
Attribute to insert - Specifies the attribute of the selected element whose value should be extracted and inserted into generated text.
Select the menu option View > Generated Text > Show in Arbortext Editor to have your generated text displayed when you preview the document in Editor view.
Insertion of attribute content into the AttributeModifier construct in generated text is not supported. You will see this error message:
[A61092] Element "_gte:AttributeContentPage" cannot be within "_gte:AttributeModifier".