Condition Dialog Box
The Condition dialog box opens when you choose to create a new condition via the > menu option, or edit an existing condition by choosing the > menu option. The title of the dialog box will be either New Condition or Edit Condition, depending on which operation you used to invoke it. Use the options in this dialog box to create or edit a condition for the element selected in the Elements list.
The Condition dialog box contains the following options:
• Condition for - Confirms the context(s) to which the condition that is being created or edited applies. This is a read-only field and is based on the active element selection in the Elements list.
• Condition type - Allows you to specify the type of condition that you are creating or editing, thus giving it a status and priority in relation to any other conditions created for the context.
Not all types are always valid for all conditions: whether a condition type is permitted depends on its position relative to any other sibling conditions created for the context. Use the following general rules when selecting a type:
• An If condition is valid at any position
• An Else-If condition is valid if the preceding sibling condition is either an If condition or another Else-If condition
• An Else condition is valid if the preceding sibling condition is an If condition or an Else-If condition
• Condition is true if - Allows you to set the level to which conditions should be matched:
◦ All tests are true - all of the tests created for the condition must be matched if the condition is to match
◦ Any test is true - if any number of the tests created for the condition can be matched, the condition will match. At least one of the tests must match.
When the condition is matched, the formatting properties created for the condition will be applied to the context.
• Tests - Lists the tests configured for the condition. This field is empty when no tests have been configured yet. A condition must have at least one test.
• New Attribute Test - Opens the Attribute Test dialog box, in which you can create a new test for an attribute value.
• New Content Test - Opens the Content Test dialog box, in which you can create a test for element content.
• New XPath Test - Opens the XPath Test dialog box, in which you can create a test for an object defined by an XPath expression.
• New Chunk Test - Opens the Start of HTML Chunk Test dialog box, in which you can create a new start of HTML chunk test.
• Edit - Opens the relevant dialog box for the test selected in the Tests list, in which you can modify the selected test.
• Delete - Deletes the test selected in the Tests list.
You are not prompted before the test is deleted.