Stylesheet Properties — Print/PDF
The Print/PDF tab of the Stylesheet Properties dialog box permits you to configure some print-specific settings for your stylesheet.
The Print/PDF tab provides the following options:
• Print Engine: select a default print engine for the stylesheet, to be used when publishing a document associated with the stylesheet to print or PDF format in Arbortext Editor, previewing a document in print or PDF format in Arbortext Styler, or managing edited source for the stylesheet.
The print engine options are:
◦ PTC ALD: if you select PTC ALD as the default print engine, you have the option to browse for an PTC ALD template (.3f file) to associate with the stylesheet.
Note that this option is always enabled, even if PTC ALD is not installed as part of your PTC Arbortext environment. If you select this option without PTC ALD being available, you will see a warning message. PTC ALD is installed automatically with Arbortext Styler and Arbortext Publishing Engine.
This is the default value for new stylesheets, and some distributed stylesheets.
For more information, see Print engine.
The FOSI and XSL-FO print engines are on sustained support and do not receive enhancements or maintenance fixes. PTC ALD is the recommended engine for print/PDF output.
• Line break characters: specify the characters at which a line is permitted to break.
The default characters permitted are \ / - = _
Up to 100 characters are permitted in this field.
This setting applies when the Word breaking property in the Breaks category is set to Break without hyphen. Words will break after these characters, where applicable.
• Limit PDF bookmark levels opened initially: control the number of levels of PDF bookmark that will be open in an output PDF.
Select the option to enable the control, then use the spinner to set the number of levels.
This option is not available if your stylesheet is set to use XSL-FO as the print engine.
• Exclude DITA FlattenedMap during formatting: do not duplicate the FlattenedMap element and its content into the PTC ALD DOM.
FlattenedMap is an element of the DITA Resolved Document for Styling (RDS) that is generally ignored during formatting. It is a different format copy of the
ResolvedMap element in the RDS, which is used to support formatted output. See
Working with the Resolved Document for Styling for more information.
Select this option to optimize formatting when publishing with the PTC ALD engine. Some items in FlattenedMap may cause unwanted effects in PDF generated with the PTC ALD engine. For example, TOC entries are created for content in the FlattenedMap unless the stylesheet is configured to avoid this.
The following options are available when your stylesheet is set to use PTC ALD as the print engine:
• Generate tagged PDF: Specifies that a publish action with this stylesheet can generate tagged PDF output. You will have the option to toggle the setting on and off in the PDF publishing dialog boxes.
• Enforce valid PDF tag structure: Specifies that any PDF tag structure in PDF output should be validated during publishing. If an invalid tag structure is detected, errors will be written to the event log. No PDF will be generated.
This option is only available when Generate tagged PDF is selected.
• Shrink graphics to fit: Specifies whether graphics that are too large horizontally for the available space should be scaled down to fit that space. If the option is not selected, graphics will extend out of the available space if they are too large.
Shrink-to-fit scaling maintains the height-width ratio of the graphic.
This handling is independent of all other scaling and size related controls already in place for the graphic. The existing controls will continue to have the same effect The shrink-to-fit capability is applied after the existing graphics settings if the graphic still too large for the available space.
The default setting is Yes.
• Optional PTC ALD template to associate with stylesheet: adding an PTC ALD template to your Arbortext Styler stylesheet allows you to supplement the stylesheet with the code from the template. The stylesheet will then be able to perform PTC ALD tasks not available via the Arbortext Styler interface or edited source.
Print engine
The print engine setting made in this tab is associated with the stylesheet. It can be overridden by an explicit option set in the printengineoverride setting.
printengineoverride for Arbortext Editor overrides the print engine selection settings made in Arbortext Styler. The option can only be set for the current Arbortext Editor session, by using the set printengineoverride command line option. The setting cannot be saved as a permanent preference.
For a summary of the logic governing print engine selection for print/PDF publishing from
Arbortext Editor and print preview from
Arbortext Styler, see
Logic for Print/Preview Engine Selection.