Help > Choosing a Stylesheet > Associating a Stylesheet with a Document
Associating a Stylesheet with a Document
A stylesheet association processing instruction links your document to a specific stylesheet for a specific output. You can assign different stylesheets for different purposes. For example, for a single document, you can associate an XSL-FO stylesheet to be used only when publishing to print and PDF, a FOSI for Editor display, and an XSLT stylesheet for generating HTML output. This processing instruction is saved in the document and overrides any defaults for this document.
The stylesheet must be appropriate for the output type. Certain stylesheets are designed to work with a specific output type, while others may have a stylesheet ID processing instruction that limits its use.
The XSL stylesheets must be stored either in the Arbortext Editor install folder, or in the APTCUSTOM or APTAPPLICATION folders.
To associate a stylesheet with a document:
1. Open the document you want to add an association to in Arbortext Editor. Choose Format > Select Stylesheets to open the Select Stylesheets dialog box.
2. Select a media type for the stylesheet association. A document can only have one stylesheet association per media type.
Editor/Default — controls the document display in Arbortext Editor.
Print/PDF — controls publishing to print and PDF.
HTML File — controls publishing of HTML output. You can also use this type to specify a stylesheet for use by a web browser when displaying your XML document.
HTML Help — controls publishing for HTML Help.
Web — controls Web documents with framesets.
RTF — control publishing of RTF output.
EPUB — controls publishing of EPUB-ready HTML output
3. Click Modify to open the Modify Stylesheet Selection dialog box.
4. This list contains all of the stylesheets available for the type of output you highlighted. The stylesheet list is determined by whether you are using Arbortext Publishing Engine for publishing documents.
If you are not using Arbortext Publishing Engine, the list displays the path and file name or the URL of the selected stylesheet. If the stylesheet file name is preceded by the (pe) notation, the stylesheet is located on the Arbortext PE server and its path will not be displayed. Stylesheets specified by URL are listed in either case.
You can add a stylesheet to the list by clicking the Add button, which offers the following choices:
If you are not publishing using Arbortext Publishing Engine, it opens the Modify Stylesheet Selection file browser. You can enter the path and file name or the URL of a stylesheet to add to this list.
If you are publishing using Arbortext Publishing Engine, it opens the Select Stylesheet by URL dialog box where you enter the URL to a stylesheet to add to this list.
5. Click the Add association button.
6. Click OK to insert the stylesheet association processing instruction and close the dialog box.
7. Return to step 2 to add a stylesheet association for the other output types. You can store one stylesheet association per type.
8. You must save your document to save the stylesheet associations.
If you are publishing using Arbortext Publishing Engine and a document contains a stylesheet association specified with a path, Arbortext Publishing Engine will attempt to locate a stylesheet of the same name on the Arbortext PE server. The path to the stylesheet will be ignored, and only the stylesheet name is used by the server to determine a match. If you are using Arbortext Publishing Engine, the following tools are available to determine stylesheet availability:
Help > Publishing Engine Configuration — Provides information about the Arbortext PE Request Manager you are using during the publishing process. The Arbortext Publishing Engine server returns a report containing information about the host platform, licensing, and the Arbortext PE server and Arbortext PE sub-process build and version. It also lists document types, stylesheets, framesets, and publishing configuration.
Tools > Administrative Tools > Compare Config with Publishing Engine — Opens the Compare Publishing Configuration with PE Dialog Box. You can generate a report comparing publishing configuration on the Arbortext Editor client with publishing configuration on the Arbortext PE server. The returned Publishing Configuration Comparison report notes the differences between the publishing environment on the client and the server. This information can help PTC Technical Support diagnose problems.