建立 Task
依照下列步驟來建立 Task 主題:
1. 選擇 > 。
2. 在新文件對話方塊的種類清單中選取 DITA Technical Content,並在類型清單中選取 DITA Task,然後按一下確定。
DITA Task 範本會載入到 Arbortext Editor 視窗中:
3. 在 title 標籤中輸入以下文字:
Preparing for a Meeting
4. 在 shortdesc 標籤中輸入以下文字:
There are certain steps you should follow to prepare for a meeting.
5. 在 prereq 標籤中輸入以下文字:
Before scheduling a meeting, make sure that the things you want to discuss cannot be handled in another way such as through E-mail.
6. 在 context 標籤中輸入以下文字:
Whether a meeting is successful or not is usually determined by the things you do to prepare for it.Follow these steps to prepare for a successful meeting:
7. 在 steps 標籤中,針對下列清單中的每個項目符號在 step 標籤內部的 cmd 標籤中輸入下列步驟 (視需要增加其他 step 標籤):
◦ Define the desired outcome of the meeting.
◦ Design the meeting agenda and objectives.
◦ List the participants and their role in the meeting.
◦ Reserve the meeting room and make sure it has the equipment you need.
◦ Invite the meeting participants including information about the agenda, their roles, and anything they need to review before the meeting.
◦ An hour before the meeting, check the meeting room to make sure it is set up correctly.
8. 在 result 標籤中輸入以下文字:
If you follow these steps, your meeting is much more likely to be a successful one.
9. 選取並刪除 example 標籤。
10. 在 postreq 標籤中輸入以下文字:
Be sure to take minutes during the meeting and send them to all participants.
11. 以 schedMeetings.dita 名稱儲存 Task。
您完成的 Task 看起來應該是這樣的: