About Arbortext Styler > Cutting, Copying, and Pasting > Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Elements
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Elements
Arbortext Styler enables you to cut, copy, and paste elements through operations on the Edit menu, associated keyboard shortcuts, toolbar buttons, the shortcut menu and the shortcut menu. Note that if you cut or copy an element you include all the element's contexts and, by association, conditions in the cut or copy action. You cannot cut or copy multiple elements in a single operation.
The following procedure demonstrates how to copy and paste an element. Cutting and pasting is a similar operation, but the cut element is removed from the Elements list.
Copying and Pasting an Element
1. In Arbortext Editor, open your document and use the Styler menu to open a stylesheet.
2. In Arbortext Styler, select the element you want to copy in the Elements list.
3. Select Edit > Copy to copy the element.
You can also use CTRL+C or the Copy toolbar button for this operation.
4. Select Edit > Paste to paste the element.
You can also use CTRL+V or the Paste toolbar button for this operation.
Arbortext Styler pastes a copy of the element into the Elements list, after the currently selected element. The name of the element is the original element name with _copy_1 (or another number if more than one copy is made) appended. The new element is highlighted for renaming.
5. Rename the element, if desired.
For example, you might not need to rename the pasted element if you are modifying the original element and want to keep the copy to preserve the original state of the element for reference.
Definitions are always pasted into the root module. If the copied element was in a different module, or if it was cut instead of copied, then _copy_1 will not have been appended to the element's name. If they are in different modules, multiple definitions can have the same name. However, definition names must be unique in each individual module.
If you have copied a namespaced element from a different module, and that module declares a namespace that also exists in the current module but with a different prefix, you will see that the element's namespace prefix will change when the paste action to the current module is completed.