About Arbortext Styler > Extending Stylesheets > Extending the Edited Source Function by Adding More Complex Code
Extending the Edited Source Function by Adding More Complex Code
While the edited source function in Arbortext Styler is useful for carrying out minor edits, occasionally you may find it necessary to develop or introduce some much more substantial code to accomplish some formatting that simply is not possible in the Arbortext Styler UI. In this instance it is easier to work with the code outside of Arbortext Styler and then introduce that code into Arbortext Styler once it has been completed and debugged. Depending on how extensive your requirements are, there are two main ways in which complex code may be introduced - note that here the functions use XSL-based code:
Creating more complex edited source
Adding custom XSL code
The steps you can take to enable you to work on your code outside of Arbortext Styler, then introduce the changes to your stylesheet, are detailed in each section below.