About Arbortext Styler > Publishing XML Documents as RTF Files > Limitations when Publishing to RTF
Limitations when Publishing to RTF
Be aware of the following limitations and usage notes when using Arbortext to publish documents as RTF files:
To preview published RTF documents from Arbortext Styler, a Windows application must be associated with the .rtf file extension. Typically, Word is associated with .rtf , but WordPad will also display .rtf documents.
RTF does not support VBA macros. However, templates that contain macros can be actively associated with an RTF file. RTF does not support toolbars, because document-specific toolbars employ VBA. In the same way, RTF does not support autotext lists since these also employ VBA.
User-defined style names cannot exceed 64 characters when manually entered on the Arbortext Editor RTF tab. Selecting style names from a user-defined drop down list allows for style names up to 253 characters long.
Links can only contain text data.
Hyphenation is supported at the paragraph level, but is not apparent unless the global hyphenation option is enabled in MS Word. Automatic hyphenation must be manually enabled in Word to view the hyphenation.
Hyphenation does not address localization differences.
Word character styles do not include a background color (or highlight) property. Therefore, an inline element which is mapped to a character style cannot simultaneously apply the background color. This limitation does not prevent you from formatting the background color of an inline element when that element is not mapped to an RTF character style.
Arbortext Styler inline elements cannot be published as RTF paragraph styles in a reliable manner. If the Arbortext Styler structure type is Inline, and the desired output is an RTF paragraph style, create an Arbortext Styler UFE of structure type Block and associate the desired RTF paragraph style with that UFE. With Arbortext Styler generated text, you can publish the original element and its content within the context of the UFE.
When auto-generating style names when publishing to RTF, it is assumed that certain Arbortext Styler style categories do not contain text data or have no style information at all. Therefore, because they do not correspond to a Word paragraph style or character style, no Word style will be created for the following Arbortext Styler styles or roles:
Custom Table
Definition List
Formal Block
Table Style
Index Term (both models)
List Bulleted
List Numbered
No Style
Table of Contents
Table roles such as header row and row
Refer to Creating Export Stylesheets for a list of usage notes related to creating styles.
Refer to Publishing Word Fields, Instructions, and Switches for a list of usage notes related to publishing fields.
Refer to Publishing Lists in RTF Files for a list of usage notes related to publishing list items.
Refer to Publishing Tables in RTF Files for a list of usage notes related to publishing tables.
Refer to Publishing Figures in RTF Files for a list of usage notes related to publishing figures.