Korean Indexing Defaults
Arbortext Editor contains a set of index configuration files that define default collation order and heading structure definitions for Korean.
To use, set the Korean_mode use parameter:
<usetext source="index.app" userule="2"
where n is any value other than 0.
Korean sort order is based on the order assigned to hangul character components, called jamo. Whenever a non-hangul or non-jamo character is encountered in a sort, the character is sorted as an ASCII or Unicode character. This means that English words, for example, sort separately from Korean characters. The Unicode jamo range used in Arbortext Editor is:
for Compatibility jamo.
The terms in a Korean index are grouped in Jaeum (consonant only) order.
In order to avoid gaps in indexes caused by double consonants at the beginning of an alphabetic group, double consonants have been defined as unique groups in default Korean indexes. You can modify this behavior if desired by changing the group definitions in the Korean index configuration files.