Inserting Markup at the Caret
The ARange extension includes the method insertParsedString. This method makes it easy to insert strings containing markup (tags and entity references) into a range, including the one that represents the document caret position. The following two examples are equivalent and insert the string “an emphasized word” with the second word “emphasized” enclosed in <emphasis> tags. The first example is implemented using standard DOM methods:
var doc = Application.activeDocument;
var caret = doc.insertionPoint;
var node = caret.endContainer;
var parent = node.parentNode;
// does not consider caret offset into text node
parent.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode("an "), node);
var emph = doc.createElement("emphasis");
parent.insertBefore(emph, node);
parent.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode(" word"), node);
The following example uses the ARange.insertParsedString method:
var doc = Application.activeDocument;
doc.insertionPoint.insertParsedString("an <emphasis>emphasized</> word");