Arbortext Command Language > Commands > declare_ms_parameter
declare_ms_parameter [parametername [status]]
This alias defines a marked section parameter entity name, prompting for input as necessary.
status consists of status keywords and references to other marked section parameters. Status keywords, in order of precedence, are as follows:
IGNORE (abbreviated ig)
CDATA (abbreviated c)
RCDATA (abbreviated r)
INCLUDE (abbreviated in)
TEMP (abbreviated t)
References to other marked section parameter entities must be prefixed with a percent sign. To enter a status containing multiple keywords or any references to other marked sections, enclose the status string in quotation marks.
dmsp is a synonym for declare_ms_parameter.
dmsp note-to-editor ig
dmsp sgml-code CDATA
dmsp pass3 'ig t'
dmsp irish include
dmsp gaelic '%irish'
Related Topics
insert_marked_section command
modify_marked_section command
modify_ms_parameters command