Arbortext Command Language > set Command Options > set gentextdisableautoupdate
set gentextdisableautoupdate
set gentextdisableautoupdate= { default | small | medium | large | huge}
This command lets you specify when to disable generated text auto-updating to prevent unacceptable processing times for various size documents. The option has document and session scope. Refer to the set command for more information on specifying document and session scope values.
Generated text automatic updating can slow down processing of documents. The points at which the slowing occurs is based on several factors and varies by document type. The points at which the slowing impacts the user also varies. Setting gentextdisableautoupdate to one of the following values can improve document processing times.
default — Sets the document scope value of gentextdisableautoupdate to use the session scope value of gentextdisableautoupdate. Sets the session scope value to use the system default (huge).
small — Generated text automatic updating is disabled on documents with 5,000 or more elements.
medium — Generated text automatic updating is disabled on documents with 20,000 or more elements.
large — Generated text automatic updating is disabled on documents with 50,000 or more elements.
huge — (The default session scope value.) Generated text automatic updating is disabled on documents with 100,000 or more elements.
Related Topics
ACL coding for better generated text performance
Processing speed and generated text
set gentextautoupdate