About Arbortext Styler > Extending Stylesheets > Identifying Items that have Edited Source
Identifying Items that have Edited Source
If an object includes edited source, visual and textual indicators are visible in three principal locations:
Arbortext Styler window
The Description field of the Arbortext Styler window will contain a confirmation in orange text that source edits have been defined.
This is an image of the chapter element in the Elements list, with the title of the Description tab displayed in orange text and the text “There are element source edits” shown in orange text in the Description field for XSL-FO (Print/PDF) output
If you have selected an element in the Elements list, the text will advise whether the edited source applies to elements, contexts or both.
The Arbortext Editor preference stylerhassourceeditsfontcolor determines the color of the Description tab label and the text confirming that an object has source edits. See set stylerhassourceeditsfontcolor in Arbortext Command Language Reference for further information. This is set to the default color of orange, which matches the color of the icon overlay and the checkmark in the Source Edits column, but you can change the color if you require. Note, though, that if you set this preference to a different color, this will not affect the color of the icon and the checkmark.
List View
The icon for the object will be overlaid with an orange icon.
The Source Edits column will contain an orange tick icon. Note that this column is not visible by default: use the View > Configure Columns menu option to open the Configure Columns dialog box and change your view. Sorting the column based on the Source Edits column will place all definitions with source edits together.
This is an image of the chapter element in the Elements list, with its element icon overlaid with an orange square and an orange tick in the Source Edits column
Find Where Used Results dialog box
The icon for the object in the Name field will be overlaid with an orange square
The Source Edits column will contain an orange tick icon. Note that this column is not visible by default: use the View > Configure Columns menu option to open the Configure Columns dialog box and change your view. Sorting the column based on the Source Edits column will place all definitions with source edits together.
This is an image of the _ufe:custom-xsl-code element highlighted in the Find Where Used Results dialog box, with its element icon overlaid with an orange square and an orange tick in the Source Edits column