About Arbortext Styler > General Reference Information > Differences in Output Support > All HTML Outputs
All HTML Outputs
Area in UI
Text category
Bugs in certain browsers mean that font characteristics font-style and font-weight are not always properly inherited into tables from parent elements. You may see anomalies in display when accessing HTML files containing tables in some versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox. To overcome this limitation, declare the desired font weight/font style explicitly on the element in question.
Note that this limitation will affect numbered titles and list items too, when these are formatted as tables. Using the same solution as suggested for tables themselves will provide the desired output.
Customized underline and strikethrough styles are not supported in HTML output and will be treated as single rule in output of these types. See the Limitations of output support for underlining and strikethrough table in Text Underlining and Strikethrough for further details.
HTML outputs do not support scoring color - the score color will always match the font color.
HTML outputs do not support the application of scoring to words only - scoring will always run over spaces between words.
A bug in Internet Explorer causes the strikethrough rule to appear thicker than the underline, with no way to specify a different rule thickness.
The double-underline property set has some limitations for HTML outputs. Because this property set is implemented in HTML using border properties, you should not use it on table-related (or custom table-related) elements. Instead, if you want text within tables to be double-underlined, you should put this property set on an element surrounding the text within the table cells. Also, if you use the double-underline property set on a block element, it will underline the block, not all the text in the block. The typical use of the double-underline property set for HTML output is to put it on an inline element.
Narrow rules (single rules less tan 1px/0.8pt wide or double rules less than 3px/2pt wide) may not display in certain browsers.
Indent category
The following indent property settings are not fully supported by HTML browsers:
First line:
relative to left margin (displayed same as relative to current left indent)
relative to parent first line indent (displayed same as relative to current left indent)
relative to current left indent (displayed with a 0 point right indent)
Spacing category
Some combinations of indentation and spacing properties for list items result in paragraph shapes that cannot be reflected in HTML. This also applies to numbered titles and table of contents entries.
Space before and after settings are handled differently than for Arbortext Editor and Print/PDF.
Precedence settings for Spacing before and Spacing after are ignored - space will be accumulated and the largest amount allocated
Generated text category
Change bars are not supported - see the Insert > Begin Change Bar and Insert > End Change Bar options in the Generated Text Editor
Advanced parameter settings for an index (see the Insert > Index menu option in the Generated Text Editor) are ignored
If the stylesheet property Format list items as tables is not selected, list numbering is implemented in the HTML list by setting the list style in an attribute of the generated HTML.
Support for this method of declaring the list style varies by browser. Numbered styles will be limited to arabic decimal, roman (upper and lower), alpha (upper and lower), the bulleted styles are decided by the browser, label and suffix settings will be ignored, as will any punctuation added to the format.
Generated text in list item numbering will not display in list items not set to be formatted as tables. Use the stylesheet property Format list items as tables if necessary.
If you have set the Follow number and suffix with option to a value of Tab when numbering a list item, this will be output as a space if the Format list items as tables stylesheet property is not selected.
If you have set the Follow number and suffix with option to a value of Tab when numbering a title, this will be output as a space if the Format titles as tables stylesheet property is not selected.
List item labels, numbers (or bullets) and suffixes may not be visible in HTML output if the Format list items as tables stylesheet property is selected. These items are treated together as a single list item marker, which is placed in a column of the table used to format the list item. If the width of that column is not sufficient to display the whole list item marker, one of two things will happen:
1. If there is a break point (e.g. a space) in the string , browsers will insert a line break so that the content appears on two lines
2. If there is no break point, browsers will only display the amount of content that fits in the column. The list item will appear as if some text is cut off or missing. This is a limitation of HTML and browsers.
To avoid this situation, ensure that the Tab to setting in the numbering dialog box, which defines the width of the table cell, is large enough to accommodate the whole list item marker.
If the Format list items as tables stylesheet property is selected, the indent for the body text for all lines of the list item is determined by the Tab to amount in the numbering dialog box. Any value set in the Indent following lines field is ignored. Non-first lines in a list item will be aligned with the text of the first line, not the number and label.
There are certain exceptions to this limitation, where the Indent following lines setting will be obeyed:
When there is no numbering
When the Keep number at beginning of line option is not checked in the numbering dialog
When the Alignment field is set to Left and tabbing is not used
If you have set the Follow number and suffix with option to a value of Tab when numbering an element that is styled as something other than List Item or Title, the tab will be output as a space.
For certain Asian numbering styles, browsers that do not support the word-break: keep-all CSS property (such as Firefox) allow line breaks to occur within the number or between the number and its following punctuation.
Graphics inserted via generated text (see the Insert > Graphic menu option in the Generated Text Editor) must be presented in a format acceptable for web viewing when they are referenced. The processing process will not carry out a conversion to web-friendly format.
Settings made in the Insert Leaders, Rule or Space dialog box are not used - see the Insert > Leaders, Rule and Space menu option in the Generated Text Editor
Block border category
Some Arbortext Styler border styles are not supported in HTML. These mapping to HTML border styles apply:
Styler style
HTML style
Long Dash
Dot Dash
Dot Dot Dash
Jagged Double
Curvy Double
Side by side category
Side by side settings are only supported for an element that has a Structure type of Block. Arbortext Styler attempts to enforce this by disabling the Side by side controls if the element being styled appears to be inline.
It can be difficult to confirm the structure type when property sets apply for the element, as more than one can apply in a given instance. It may be the case that side by side formatting is applied to an inline element. When working with HTML outputs, this can lead to unexpected results. You can try and mitigate this:
Avoid setting side by side properties directly on the element that is expected to be inline.
Use context and conditions to avoid setting side by side properties in Property Sets when the element would also be inline (either by Property Set or by direct assignment).
If a non-zero value is set for Horizontal gap, HTML outputs will use either the value of the field or the gap that results from indent settings, whichever is the larger.
Values specified in em are not permitted in the Horizontal offset, Width, and Horizontal gap fields. If such a size is used, HTML outputs will treat 1em as 1pc.
When End previous alignment is Yes, this will end all previous alignments, not just the immediately preceding one.
Some browsers ignore a value of Yes for End previous alignment. Setting End all contained alignments to Yes will usually work in such cases.
HTML output viewed with Internet Explorer 8 (IE8.x) may display some anomalies. If you see unexpected results, view the content with IE7.x or a non-IE browser to see if the problem persists.
In tables, alignment of cell content to a defined character is not effective in HTML outputs. Browsers are not required to support it under the HTML specification, and they do not.