About Arbortext Styler > Publishing XML Documents as RTF Files > Publishing Figures in RTF Files
Publishing Figures in RTF Files
By default, figures are published as linked graphics using the INCLUDEPICTURE field. You can, however choose to publish documents with embedded graphics by carrying out the following steps:
1. In Arbortext Styler, select the File > Stylesheet Properties menu option. The Stylesheet Properties dialog box is displayed.
2. Navigate to the RTF tab and check the Embed graphics option.
Be aware of the following restrictions when publishing graphics:
Some graphic types have been assessed by Microsoft as posing a security risk and are not permitted in RTF output by default. You may need to enable a particular graphic type with a graphic filter setting.
For more information, see Microsoft support bulletin 2479871 — Security settings for graphic filters for Microsoft Office 2013, Microsoft Office 2010, the 2007 Microsoft Office system, Microsoft Office 2003, and Microsoft Office XP.
Positioning of graphics in published documents is not supported.
RTF does not preserve the scaling of linked graphics images. Word binary files (.doc) do preserve the scaling of linked graphics. If the graphic type can be embedded, and you choose to embed graphics images rather than link graphics images, scaling will be preserved in the RTF file.
This is true both for graphics originating in your document and graphics in generated text.
If you publish embedded graphics, the images will not display when the RTF file is viewed using MS Word 97. This restriction does not apply to linked graphics published using the INCLUDEPICTURE field, or when loading the document containing embedded graphics in a later release of Word. If Word 97 compatibility is important, you should ensure that you work with linked graphics, rather than embedding them. This is a limitation of Word 97.
Only the following graphics formats may be embedded in an RTF file:
.gif (automatically embedded as .png)
All other graphics formats are published as linked graphics regardless of the setting of the Embed graphics option.
All graphics are included in the accompanying output_filename_files directory generated when publishing to RTF format. Both graphics files that are referenced by link and those that are embedded in the host document will appear in this directory.
If you have published with the Embed graphics option selected so that the resulting RTF document’s graphics are embedded, you may be able to delete the generated output_filename_files directory containing the graphics files as it is no longer needed. Be sure to check that all your graphics have been successfully embedded before deleting the directory. Rename (or move) the output_filename_files directory then open the RTF document in Word. Check that all the embedded graphics you expect to see are visible. If they are, you can delete the graphics directory.
Note that some graphics cannot be embedded, either under the RTF specification or due to limitations of Word. Even if you have set the Embed graphics option, some of your graphics may still have been published as linked graphics. This is one reason for checking before deleting the graphics file.
If generated, the output_filename_files directory has the same name for both HTML File and RTF output. If you produce both HTML and RTF output for the same document, and publish them to the same output directory, both outputs will reference the same output_filename_files directory. This could cause issues in certain circumstances:
If, after generating both HTML File and RTF output, you delete/move the .htm file, Windows will also delete/move the output_filename_files directory. If the equivalent RTF output contains linked graphics, these will be lost when the output_filename_files directory is deleted. To avoid this issue, take care to output HTML File and RTF to separate directories, or set your RTF file to use embedded graphics.
Your stylesheet may be set up to treat a graphic in different ways, depending on whether it appears in HTML File or RTF output. In this case it is not acceptable to reference the same output_filename_files directory for both outputs, since this will result in only one version of the graphic being available.
Note also that publishing to HTML File may change the file extension of a graphic, as the process converts graphics to web friendly format. Take care that this will not overwrite a graphic of the same name that is intended to be referenced in RTF output only. For example, a graphic named styler.cgm will be converted to styler.jpg when the document is composed to HTML File. If the graphic styler.jpg already exists in the output_filename_files directory, but for RTF output only, this distinction will be lost when the file is overwritten.
It is a good idea to publish HTML File and RTF outputs of the same document to separate directories to avoid these issues.
Refer to Publishing Table and Figure Captions in RTF Files for information on publishing figure captions.