Required Information
To provide a complete problem report to Technical Support, please answer the following questions.
1. What hardware platform are you running on?
2. What is your network environment? Please include the operating system versions, and hardware descriptions that may be relevant to the problem.
3. What Arbortext products were you running when you experienced the problem?
◦ Include the version number
◦ Try to determine the scope of your problem
4. What tools were being used when the problem occurred? Is this a problem only in Arbortext Editor, or is it also in the Arbortext Architect environment?
5. Is the problem manifested only in a customized document type application, or can it be demonstrated on any document type (use a smaller distributed document type to verify if it applies to ANY document type)?
6. Is the problem affecting other tools: for example, browsers, other editors, and so on? Describe which tools and when.
7. If other tools are involved, we will need a description of the workflow process to understand how Arbortext Editor is involved in the overall picture.
8. What is the problem you are seeing? Describe what you or your user did, what happened, and also what was supposed to happen (or what you expected to happen).
◦ Provide as much technical detail as possible. Did the software or the system issue an error message? If so, what was the exact message(s)?
◦ What did you do to diagnose or fix the problem (include actions that were not successful)? Feel free to include sections of relevant DTD, FOSI, or ACL code if applicable. Describe the elements, entities, and files involved. Remember to tell us exactly what to look for: whether the problem is in the document instance, the DTD Specification, the FOSI, or an ACL command file. Give us a string to search for, or name the elements involved.
9. Describe in detail the steps that led to the problem, so we can replicate the problem. What were you or other users doing when the problem surfaced?
10. Does the problem reoccur? How often?
11. If it's part of a workflow process, can the problem be reproduced solely in Arbortext Editor?
12. Is the problem reproducible at will? If so, what steps do you take to cause the problem to resurface?
Problems that occur intermittently, or are not reproducible, are frequently much harder to resolve.
13. What is the impact of this problem on your work? Use one of the following categories to describe your problem:
◦ This isn't a problem, but I would like the software to behave differently or do something that it doesn't do.
◦ This is not a big problem, but it is delaying my work or is an annoyance.
◦ This is a significant problem which is causing delays in production and is impacting our success in using the software.
◦ This is a critical problem and affected me in one of the following ways:
▪ Stopped our use of your product
▪ Prevented us from doing any useful work with Arbortext Editor
▪ A feature (or lack of a feature) is preventing us from using Arbortext Editor as a solution
14. What are you requesting from Technical Support? Which of these describes your aims?
◦ Technical Support should take this information under advisement. No response is desired.
◦ Technical Support should record this as a problem. I have a work-around for the issue, and a response isn't needed.
◦ Technical Support should record this as a problem. We have not found a way to work around the problem, and we are requesting a fix or work-around in order to resume work