Help > Authoring > Importing Documents and Data > Importing ASCII Text files Without Arbortext Import/Export > Element Viewer
Element Viewer
Use the Element Viewer to control how the text from the Import Text window is tagged when it is inserted into a document in Arbortext Editor.
The Element Viewer displays the tag for the current cursor position in the document in the Edit window. The list also displays the tag hierarchy for the current cursor position. As you move the cursor in the Edit window, the Element Viewer updates to display the current tag for the current cursor position.
The list in the Element Viewer can be adjusted to display children elements for the current tag, or sibling elements for the current tag. The children and sibling elements are displayed in either green or blue.
Blue elements cannot contain PCDATA (that is, parsed character data or text); double-clicking a blue element will insert that element into the document in the Edit window, but will not insert the text from the Import Text window.
In some cases, your document type's .dcf file may dictate that certain elements that cannot contain PCDATA can contain a child element that allows PCDATA. In these cases, Arbortext Editor will paste the currently selected block from the Import Text window.