Help > Authoring > Using Markup > Processing Instructions > Inserting Processing Instructions
Inserting Processing Instructions
Processing instructions (PIs) contain system-dependent information or instructions that control how the tag content is to be processed or formatted. These can include such formatting items as start a new line, add a fixed space, or break a column. You can also use the Touchup menu to insert PIs.
To insert a processing instruction:
1. Choose Insert > Markup.
2. Choose PIs from the Mode list. A list of processing instructions appears in the list.
3. Select the name of the processing instruction you want to insert.
4. Click Insert. Then click Close.
To insert a processing instruction from the command line:
1. If the command line is not displayed, go to the Tools > Preferences dialog box. Choose the Window category and turn on the Command Line preference.
2. From the command line, enter:
insert_tag processing instruction name
For example:
insert_tag _newline