Developing Custom Resolved Document Types without the Generated Document Types
If you want to use a custom resolved document type and do not want to use a generated resolved document type as the basis for your resolved document type, then you can develop your own custom documents types. Sample resolved document types are available in the following directory:
Follow these steps to develop custom resolved document types:
1. Create two new document type directories in the same directory where you put your other document type specializations.
Name the directories custom-rdedit and custom-rdstyle, where custom is a name related to your new collection of specialized document types.
2. Copy some of the contents of the sample rdedit and rdstyle directories to your new directories.
Copy the following files from the rdedit directory:
◦ catalog
◦ template.xml
◦ rdedit.dtd
◦ rdedit.dcf
Copy the following files from the rdstyle directory:
◦ catalog
◦ template.xml
◦ rdstyle.dtd
◦ rdstyle.dcf
3. Rename each of the copied files in your new directories that begin with rdedit or rdstyle to custom-rdedit and custom-rdstyle.
Be sure not to change the file extensions for these files.
4. Update the custom-rdedit.dcf and custom-rdstyle.dcf files with information specific to your specializations.
You can also use a copy of the .dcf for your topic specializations. In any case, you must set the ditaRDEdit and ditaRDStyle attributes on the Options element to match your new resolved document types.
5. Update the custom-rdedit.dtd and custom-rdstyle.dtd files to include references to your new topic specialization .ent and .mod files.
If you already have a specialized Ditabase document type that includes your topic specializations, you can just add that document type to the .dtd files. Otherwise, add all of the topic specialization .ent and .mod files individually.
In the .dtd files, modify the following section:
<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- Include ditabase.dtd as a module -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!ENTITY % ditabase-dtd
<!-- ============================================================= -->
Either replace the existing ditabase-dtd reference with a reference to your specialized Ditabase or add references to your new topic specialization .mod files. In the latter case, you can delete the existing ditabase-dtd reference if desired. In any case, be sure to update both the comments at the front of both DTD files to correctly describe your new specializations and the DOCTYPE header for each file. You must include the .mod file from your map specialization in custom-rdstyle.dtd.
Also in custom-rdstyle.dtd, you might need to update the following section to add a reference to any specialized custom–map.mod file:
<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!ENTITY % map-type PUBLIC
"-//Arbortext//ELEMENTS DITA Map Revised//EN"
<!ENTITY % bookmap-type PUBLIC
6. Update the catalog files in your new resolved document type directories.
The catalog files have the following default document type entries:
PUBLIC "-//Arbortext//DTD RDEdit//EN" "rdedit.dtd"
PUBLIC "-//Arbortext//DTD RDStyle//EN" "rdstyle.dtd"
Change these entries to the following document type entries:
PUBLIC "-//Organization//DTD custom-RDEdit//EN" "custom-rdedit.dtd"
PUBLIC "-//Organization//DTD custom-RDStyle//EN" "custom-rdstyle.dtd"
Replace Organization with the name of your company or organization. Replace custom with the name you choose for your new collection of specialized document types.
7. Update your DITA map’s .dcf file to point to your new resolved document types.