Administration > Customizing Spelling Checking > Adding Words to a User-Defined Dictionary
Adding Words to a User-Defined Dictionary
The first time you use the userdict command to add words, the command creates the user dictionary file. Dictionary entries may be as long as 32 characters; there is no restriction on the number of allowed entries.
You can add words to the user dictionary. To add the word SGML and a misspelling pair tthe;the to a user-defined dictionary named dict2. On the Arbortext Editor command line, enter: userdict -dict dict2 -add SGML tthe;the and press ENTER. The newly created dictionary is placed in the default subdirectory dictionaries, unless you specified an absolute path name as part of dictionaryname.
As long as the user-defined dictionaries are placed in the default directory, you do not need to set a directory search path to the user dictionary. However, if you place them in a different directory, you need to set the user-dictionary path. For instructions, see Specifying the location of user-defined dictionaries.