Administration > Environment Variables > APTPADDINGDEDUCTLEADING — Decreasing the Amount of padding-top when Outputting HTML
APTPADDINGDEDUCTLEADING — Decreasing the Amount of padding-top when Outputting HTML
When this variable is set Yes, Arbortext Editor subtracts the FOSI's leading lead value from the vertical space setting, which is based on the resolved prespace and postpace settings. Arbortext Editor then assigns the result of this subtraction as the padding-top value when outputting to HTML. If the result is a negative value, Arbortext Editor sets the padding-top value to zero.
If this variable is not set, Arbortext Editor will not deduct the FOSI leading lead value. This can result in excess white space between block elements because Arbortext Editor will add the FOSI leading lead value to the vertical space setting and assign the result as the padding-top value. This setting is then added to the line-height of vertical space browsers specify above block elements.