Configuring Arbortext Publishing Engine > Setting Configuration Parameters > Arbortext Publishing Engine Global Parameters > The Global Queuing Parameters > Global Queuing Parameters for Arbortext Editor Clients
Global Queuing Parameters for Arbortext Editor Clients
In addition, the following parameters apply specifically to a site where Arbortext Editor clients are using Arbortext PE server to fulfill publishing requests. These parameters control whether the Arbortext Editor client is allowed to queue a request and to, optionally, submit information to receive notification about the completed transaction.
The settings for these parameters are included in the Publishing Configuration report that is sent to Arbortext Editor clients using Arbortext Publishing Engine for publishing. The Publishing Configuration document establishes the queuing policies for Arbortext Editor clients. Refer to Requesting a Publishing Configuration Report for information on looking at this report on the server.
Specifies whether Arbortext Editor clients are allowed to submit queued publishing requests. The possible values are always, optional, and never. By default, this value is explicitly set to optional, which allows the Arbortext Editor user to choose whether to queue a request. The value never means Arbortext Editor clients will never be permitted to queue a request..
For backward compatibility, Arbortext PE Request Manager always fulfills requests from 5.3 and older versions of Arbortext Editor immediately by default (which requires no special configuration).
Specifies a valid HTTP query parameter name used to identify the user making a publishing request. The default is explicitly set to header.
When set to header, Arbortext Editor publishing requests set the HTTP From header as the query parameter name that will identify the user. The value is then set to the user ID under which Arbortext Editor is running (displayed in Identification in Tools > Preferences > Publishing Engine, returned by the ACL username function).
If this parameter is set to another value, then Arbortext Editor will treat that as the name of the HTTP query parameter. The value of it is then set to the value of the ACL set pecompositionid command option on the Arbortext Editor client. The pecompositionid option is available from Arbortext EditorTools > Preferences > Advanced.
The com.arbortext.e3.compositionIdentificationPolicy parameter can be used for notifications on transactions that have not been queued, though its common use is to notify clients about queued transactions.
Specifies an HTTP query parameter name that will be used to provide an email address to Arbortext Publishing Engine. This is the parameter that will specify the email address where the Arbortext PE server will send an email notification, if a notifier is configured. The default value is explicitly set to queue-email.
Arbortext Editor clients will treat the value of this parameter as the name of the HTTP query parameter that specifies the user’s email address. The value of the parameter is then set to the user’s email address as displayed in Notification Email Address (Tools > Preferences > Publishing Engine).
The Arbortext Editor user specifies the email address using Notification Email Address or the ACL set pecompositionemail command option (available from Arbortext EditorTools > Preferences > Advanced).
Refer to Configuring a Notifier for information on setting up an email notifier.
The com.arbortext.e3.compositionEmailPolicy parameter can be used for notifications on transactions that have not been queued, though its common use is to notify clients about queued transactions.