Equation Editor 标注名称
下面是 Equation Editor 用于表示数学符号的 SGML 标注列表。SGML 基于美国出版商协会 (American Assocation of Pulihers,简称 AAP) 国际数学标准 ISO 8879。AAP 标准尚未解决的构建由 Arbortext 发明。SGML 标注首先出现在这些列表中,之后是所有符号。由 Arbortext 发明的那些构建用符号 "invented" 指示出来。
SGML 标注以粗体 Courier 设置 (例如,<fl>; ⨂ 9)。在提供 TeX 等价体的情况下,TeX 代码以常规粗体字设置(例如,\eqalign)。
所有标注图标都是成对的,除非另外提及。例如,在实际使用中,粗体希腊语部分开头的 SGML 符号 (<bg>) 会与该部分结尾处的符号 (</bg> ) 成对出现。所需粗体希腊语字符的代码应出现在这两个标注图标之间。
<a> accent
<ac> accent component
<ar> array (matrix)
<arc> array column
<arr> array row
<atop>\atop -- obsolete (replaced by <stk>)
<b> bold
bg> bold Greek
<case> individual case inside \cases <cases> \cases
construct <ceqn> centered equation -- obsolete
<cp> centered post -- element of <fen> -- singleton
<de> denominator of fraction
<dsty> \displaystyle --obsolete <eqaln> internal \eqalign
(aligned equation) <eqline> individual line inside
<f> in-line equation
<fd> display equation
<fen> fence (paired delimiter)
<fl> formula line (lines inside equation)
<fr> fraction
<g> greek
<ge> German
<hsp> horizontal space -- singleton tag
<ig> italic Greek
<in> integral
<inc> obsolete
<inf> inferior (subscript)
<it> italic
<lim> general large operator
<ll> lower limit (subscript of large operator)
<lyr> layer -- component of <stk>
<mit> math italic
<nu> numerator of fraction
<op> operator -- component of <lim>
<opd> operand -- component of <lim>
<ovb> overbrace (invented)
<ovl> overline
<phr> phrase
<pr> product
<rad> radical
<rcd> radicand -- component of radical
<rdx> radical index -- component of radical
<rf> roman function (like sin, cos)
<rm> roman <rp> right post -- component of
<sc> script (calligraphic)
<sssty> \scriptscriptstyle -- obsolete
<ssty> \scriptstyle -- obsolete
<stk> stack (\atop)
<sum> summation
<sup> superior (superscript)
<tex> tex input -- obsolete
<tsty> \textstyle -- obsolete
<ty> typewriter type (computer font)
<ul> upper limit -- component of <lim>
<unb> underbrace (invented)
<unl> underline
<vmk> vertical mark -- used inside <fl> -- singleton
<vmkr> vertical mark reference -- also used inside <fl>
-- singleton