About Arbortext Styler > Arbortext Styler Dialog Boxes > Validate Page Sets Dialog Box
Validate Page Sets Dialog Box
The Validate Page Sets dialog box opens when you choose the Tools > Validate Page Sets menu option. It displays a structured view of your document, highlighting all the elements that have page sets applied to them.
This dialog box contains the following options:
Document tree - Your document is displayed as a structured element tree. Elements with page sets applied are preceded by a page icon The image shows a page icon. Other elements are preceded by an element icon The image shows an element icon. If there is a page set error, the icon has a red X superimposed The image shows an element icon with a red cross through it).
Go to Element - Opens the Elements list with the relevant context of the element selected, and repositions the cursor in your document at the point where the selected element occurs.
Go to Page Set - Opens the Page Sets list with the selected page set highlighted, enabling you to edit the page set applied by the selected element.
Next Error - Highlights the next element in the tree structure that contains a page set error.
Refresh - Refreshes the view of the document tree structure.
Require XSL-FO Compliance - Indicates whether Arbortext Styler should maintain strict XSL-FO compliance when validating page sets.
Arbortext Styler has the ability to process nested XSL-FO page sets, so by default they are not reported as validation errors. However, if you plan to export your stylesheet as XSL-FO, nested page sets are not strictly XSL-FO compliant. If you set this option, Arbortext Styler reports nested XSL-FO page sets as validation errors.
This option is not available if the stylesheet is set to use PTC ALD or FOSI as the print/PDF engine.
Error Status - Provides a numeric count of the page set errors found in the document. Provides a more detailed description of the error when you select an element with an error.