About Arbortext Styler > Arbortext Styler Dialog Boxes > Edit XPath Override for Current Level Dialog Box
Edit XPath Override for Current Level Dialog Box
This dialog box opens when you select the Edit button next to the XPath override for current level field in several numbering-related dialog boxes invoked from the Generated text category. Use this dialog box to enter an XPath expression that is used to determine a number or marker to use for the current numbering level.
You must understand XPath and its syntax to use this option. Refer to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) web site (www.w3.org/TR/xpath) for information on the XPath standard.
The Edit XPath Override for Current Level dialog box contains the following options:
Expression type - Contains the following options that determine the type of XPath expression used:
XPath expression returns an integer number - When selected, specifies that the XPath expression should return a number, which must evaluate to an integer.
XPath expression returns a string - When selected, specifies that the XPath expression should return a string.
Expression - Enables you to enter an XPath expression.
You must enter element names exactly as they appear in the Elements list, including any namespace prefixes.
If you enter the name of a namespaced element in this field, you will not be prompted to declare the namespace if it does not already exist. Ensure you have declared the namespace for the stylesheet by creating an element with the applicable prefix, or the XPath expression you enter in this field will not be valid
Some XPath expressions, especially expressions that use the preceding axis, can cause slow performance when generated text is produced for large documents. See XPath Performance for hints on creating more suitable expressions.