About Arbortext Styler > Scripting and Interactivity > Associating a JavaScript Library with a Stylesheet
Associating a JavaScript Library with a Stylesheet
Web pages can contain dynamic content, layout, and interactivity provided through JavaScript. Arbortext Styler allows you to add JavaScript to HTML output, including the option to reference JavaScript libraries as part of a stylesheet’s properties. You can reference common libraries, such as jQuery or AngularJS, or custom libraries.
When a library is associated with a stylesheet it can be included in HTML output generated with the stylesheet.
To associate a JavaScript library with a stylesheet:
1. Open the Stylesheet Properties dialog box for your stylesheet, using File > Stylesheet Properties
2. Navigate to the HTML File or HTML Chunk tab, depending on the type of output that will include the JavaScript library.
3. In the Associated JavaScript Libraries field, click Add.
The Add JavaScript library dialog box opens.
4. In the Library field, enter the path to the required JavaScript library in one of these formats:
file reference
Arbortext Styler does not validate the path provided here.
5. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to Stylesheet Properties.
The path to the library appears in the Associated JavaScript Libraries field.
A reference to each library listed here is included in the <head> section of HTML files generated using the stylesheet, in this format:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.2.6/jquery.js"></script>
Libraries are added to output in the order they are declared in this field.