Run-in Styling
You can configure run-in styling between titles, blocks, inline elements, and text nodes. Use the Run-in control in the Breaks category to set the following layout relationships between elements:
• Run in with following — an item’s content will run into the content of the sibling item that comes after it
• Run in with preceding — an item’s content will run into the content of the sibling item that comes before it
• Run in with both — an item’s content will run into the content of the sibling items that come before and after it
For example, you may wish to have a section title run directly into the text of the first paragraph in the section.
Configure these Run-in settings to achieve the effect:
1. title in section context — With following
2. first paragraph in section context — With preceding
Note that run-in settings must be configured for both elements to have the desired effect. You will be advised to set the setting for the second element the first time you configure run-in styling for the first element.
Run-in styling settings are applicable for PTC ALD and FOSI outputs. Please be aware of the implementation notes:
• XML nodes must be siblings to enable run-in styling between them. They can be either element or text nodes.
• Adjacent nodes that are set to run-in together must both specify that they will not break. The following items do not force a break
◦ Elements styled as Inline
◦ Text nodes
◦ Blocks with a run-in setting (without a run-in setting, a block will be break before and after the element)
• A block nested within an element that has a run-in setting will not affect that run-in setting.
• When working with PTC ALD, a run-in sequence must start with an element that has either a With following or a With both run-in setting.
• When working with FOSI, a run-in sequence can start with an inline item or a text node. Items starting a sequence do not need to have a run-in setting.
• Borders and background color settings configured in the Block border category will apply to elements that are set to run-in with each other (each has a run-in setting to appear on the same line).