Translation Statistics
You may need to check the status of translations of generated text. You can find this information in several places.
Status of Translations for Current Stylesheet
Select the > menu option to generate a report that will give you information on the overall status of translations of generated text in the current stylesheet.
A sample report is shown below:
Stylesheet "" contains 30 translatable items.
The source language is "en (English)".
Language Translated Not Translated Last Import Date Export Date
Current Not Current
fr(French) 20 5 5 20-Sep-2009 1-Aug-2009
de(German) 25 3 2 25-Sep-2009 1-Aug-2009
Note that Export Date is the date that the file that was last imported was exported. If you have exported a file, but never imported its translations, this report will contain no value for Export Date. Dates are localized.
Refer to
Importing Translations of Generated Text for the process of marking translations as current or not current.
If the current stylesheet contains no target language definitions, the report will explain this:
Stylesheet "" contains 30 translatable items.
The source language is "en (English)".
No target languages have been designated for translation.
Locating Missing or Out of Date Translations
To locate translations that are listed in the translation status report as missing or not current, choose the > . This will open the
Translation Defects window. Refer to
Translation Defects Window for a summary of information this report contains.
Validating the Stylesheet for Translations
During a Validate Stylesheet action invoked via the > menu option, Arbortext Styler will provide information about the translation settings in the stylesheet. The report will list:
• Any target languages for which translations are missing:
Warning: Generated text translations are not current for these languages:
fr (French), de (German)
Choose Tools->View Translation Status or Tools->List Translation Defects for more details.
• Any differences in the generated text source language of the modules in the stylesheet
• Any translation units that display duplicate IDs