About Arbortext Styler > Adding Generated Text > Maintaining Translations of Generated Text > Managing Translation Units > Keeping Translations Up To Date
Keeping Translations Up To Date
If you have already imported translations for your stylesheet, and your translations are current, you can ensure that your translations do not become out of date by avoiding the operations listed below. All of them could create new translation units, or make translations of existing units out of date:
Assigning a new style to an element
Adding generated text — this will create a new translation unit even if the added text and markup matches an existing translation unit.
Modifying existing generated text
Adding a new module (unless it is fully translated)
Pasting an item that was copied or cut from a stylesheet that's not fully translated
If you have exported generated text for translation, but not yet imported the translations, you should avoid operations that cause translation units to be duplicated. In this case the duplicates will be given new IDs and they will not receive the prepared translation when it is imported into the stylesheet. See Precautions When Translation Files are Awaiting Import for information.
A stylesheet validation invoked via the Tools > Validate Stylesheet menu option will report any duplicated IDs for translation units in the stylesheet, including modules. It will regenerate the IDs automatically when writable.
If Arbortext Styler has regenerated any IDs, you must ensure that you export your stylesheet for translation again to ensure all the new translation units needing translation are included. You should also import any outstanding translations before you add the module or they may not match.