About Arbortext Styler > Creating a Basic Stylesheet > Validating Stylesheets
Validating Stylesheets
Once you have created your stylesheet, you may use Arbortext Styler's Validate Stylesheet feature to confirm that any of the objects in the stylesheet contain errors. Choose the Tools > Validate Stylesheet menu option to invoke the verification process.
If your stylesheet contains no errors, you will be presented with a message in the status bar in the bottom left corner of the Arbortext Styler window:
[A23592] No stylesheet errors
If your stylesheet contains errors, for example if a custom table is invalid or a condition relationship is incorrect, you will see the Styler Log window with details of the error.
Some errors in your stylesheet, for example title contexts that are not set correctly to be used as PDF bookmarks, may not generate error messages when the stylesheet is validated. If they are displayed as part of the Arbortext Styler UI they will be shown in the designated Arbortext Styler error color for your environment. You may set the error color via the stylererrorcolor command - as a default it is set to red.
A validate stylesheet action is also invoked automatically every time you request a preview from the Arbortext Styler UI.
Validating translations of generated text
A validate stylesheet action invoked via the Tools > Validate Stylesheet menu option will provide the following information on the status of translations of generated text:
If a translation is missing for a piece of generated text that is set to be translated. You will be presented with the error message shown below:
Generated text translations are not current for these languages: es (Spanish), fr (French). Choose "View
Translation Status" or "List Translation Defects" from the "Tools" menu for more details.
If the generated text source language of a stylesheet differs to that of any of its modules. You will be presented with the error message shown below:
The generated text source language ("fr (French)") for the module "stylesheet-module.style" does not match
the source language of the stylesheet ("en (English)").
If any of the translation units in the stylesheet have duplicate IDs, i.e. when you attempt to introduce a module that contains translation units with the same IDs. Arbortext Styler will provide the following prompt for you to proceed with adding the module or cancelling the action:
IDs of translation units in the module conflict with IDs of translation units in the stylesheet. If you add
the module, these IDs will be regenerated. If there are outstanding translations, they should be imported into
the module before the IDs are regenerated.
Do you wish to add the module?
If you add the module, Arbortext Styler will automatically regenerate the IDs in the module to remove the duplicates.
Outstanding translations are those that have been exported to an XLIFF file (and possibly already been translated) but have not yet been imported into the stylesheet. As mentioned in the dialog, these should be imported into the module before the IDs are regenerated, to ensure completeness. Import any outstanding translations then try again to assign the module to the stylesheet. Unique IDs will then be applied to the translation units in the module, and they will exist with their own translations.
Validating settings for generation of CSS rules
A validate stylesheet action invoked via the Tools > Validate Stylesheet menu option will provide information about current settings that will affect an export of CSS information, for all HTML outputs. It will warn if it encounters any explicit properties specified in the stylesheet that may not have an effect.
You will see the warning when this combination of settings exists in your stylesheet:
An HTML output is configured to have CSS rules generated for property sets.
Contexts or conditions in the stylesheet have explicit properties specified for the output that is configured to use property sets as the basis for CSS rules.
A stylesheet validation run as part of a preview or export action will provide the same information about the relevant output only.