Customized settings for underline and strikethrough styles will only be visible in print or Arbortext Editor output when the document is published via an Arbortext Styler stylesheet. Customized underline and strikethrough styles are not supported in HTML output and will be treated as standard scoring in output of these types.
Output format
All outputs
• Strikethrough and overlining (defined via the overline property set) cannot be displayed concurrently for the same element/context, although they can both be set.
The overline property set is predefined in the stylesheets that exist in the Arbortext Styler distribution and, as the name suggests, defines a line drawn above text. It uses the same underlying publishing capabilities as the strikethrough property. As such an overline cannot display with a strikethrough set via the Text category.
• Color and height settings for strikethrough and overlining are shared and may produce unexpected results when both are set for an element/context.
The overline property set and the strikethrough property share the same underlying publishing capabilities, where the specification of both is contained in the same set of height and color attributes. The height attribute has different values depending on the text property being activated - for strikethrough, the value of the height attribute sets the line to run through the middle of the letters; for overline, the same attribute is given the correct value to draw the line over the top of the letters. The color attribute is independent of the height attribute, and the color of any scoring defaults to the color of the text to which it is to be applied, unless a specific color setting is specified. You may therefore find an attribute setting you make for one of the overline/strikethrough properties will carry through to the other when they are both defined for a context, even though they cannot both be displayed.
Compare the property combinations defined below, and the results they will produce:
◦ Strikethrough set:
▪ Strikethrough style: Words and spaces
▪ Strikethrough color: Red
▪ Net result on publishing: red strikethrough
◦ Strikethrough and overline set:
▪ Strikethrough style: Words and spaces
▪ Strikethrough color: Red
▪ Overline property set activated
▪ Net result on publishing: red overline (note: no strikethrough as cannot be displayed concurrently)
◦ Strikethrough explicitly deactivated and overline set
▪ Strikethrough style: none
▪ Strikethrough color: <Derive>
▪ Overline property set activated
▪ Net result on publishing: no overline or strikethrough (since the properties share the same height attribute, the explicit value of none applies to both)
All XSL outputs (including RTF)
• Since both underlining and strikethrough are specified in XSL outputs using the single text-decoration property, you can only get both effects for the same context if both underlining and strikethrough are specified at the same time, i.e. in the same property set, and on the same condition if conditions are being used. If you set one of underlining or strikethrough in one condition or property set and the other in another condition or property set, the last setting may override all or part of any previous setting.
Similarly, because the overline property set that is predefined in most Arbortext Styler stylesheets uses the same underlying publishing capabilities as the strikethrough property, you may not get both effects when the overline property set is used in conjunction with underlining.
Print/PDF via PTC ALD
• The Words Only setting for underlining is not supported
• Because of limitations in MS Word, the curvy underline styles will be mapped to the jagged style in RTF output.
• Strikethrough color settings are not supported - strikethrough will be displayed in the current font color.
• The Words only setting for strikethrough is not supported - strikethrough will apply to words and spaces
• HTML outputs only support scoring with a single rule - all scoring types are mapped to a single underline.
• HTML outputs do not support scoring or strikethrough color - the color will always match the font color. This is a HTML, CSS, and browser limitation.
• HTML outputs do not support the application of scoring to words only - scoring will always run over spaces between words.
• The Words Only setting for strikethrough is not supported
• Custom underline styles will be supported when applied using the Words and Spaces option. A single underline will only appear if the Words Only position option is used.
• A bug in Internet Explorer causes the strikethrough rule to appear thicker than the underline, with no way to specify a different rule thickness.
• New stylesheets include a double-underline property set, which is implemented for HTML outputs via edited source that makes use of the “double border-bottom” underline style. Bugs in Internet Explorer mean this option is not always displayed correctly:
◦ When the property set is applied to block elements in HTML outputs, the border bottom is not displayed in certain cases, for example when on the last line of the browser window. The property set will function correctly when applied to inline elements.
◦ The two lines sometimes appear to have different thicknesses.
• When an element’s underlining, strikethrough, or overlining setting has been activated by one of the element’s ancestors, there is no way in which the element itself can deactivate it. Setting underline or strikethrough to none for the element will have no effect in HTML outputs. Whatever text decoration was in effect prior to the element will continue throughout that element, even when it has its underline or strikethrough set to none.
This is a limitation of current browsers and the CSS specification.
Arbortext Editor view
Arbortext Editor ignores the height value specified for scoring (used to apply strikethrough and overline effects), assuming that any scoring set should appear midway through the text. For this reason, an overline setting will appear as strikethrough.