About Arbortext Styler > Arbortext Styler Window and Editors > Menus > Styler Menu in Arbortext Editor
Styler Menu in Arbortext Editor
TheStyler menu in Arbortext Editor includes the following fields:
Menu option
Keyboard shortcut
New Stylesheet
Creates a new stylesheet (.style), makes it the current Arbortext Editor stylesheet, and opens it in Arbortext Styler.
The Stylesheet Properties dialog box opens when you elect to create a new stylesheet, allowing you to set basic publishing and chunking settings to be applied via your stylesheet.
See Opening and Creating Stylesheets for further information.
New Empty Stylesheet
Creates a new empty stylesheet (.style) and opens it in Arbortext Styler.
The Stylesheet Properties dialog box opens when you elect to create a new stylesheet, allowing you to set basic publishing and chunking settings to be applied via your stylesheet.
See Opening and Creating Stylesheets for further information.
Open Stylesheet
Launches the Open Stylesheet dialog box, which lists stylesheets in the document and document type directories that can be edited with Arbortext Styler. Makes the selected stylesheet the current Arbortext Editor stylesheet and opens it in Arbortext Styler.
Edit Stylesheet
Opens the stylesheet (.style) currently associated with the document for edit in Arbortext Styler.
Only if current stylesheet is a .style file.
Convert Stylesheet
Converts the current FOSI to a stylesheet (.style). The conversion handles only a subset of FOSI features; you can use Arbortext Styler to add features that were not converted.
Only if current stylesheet is a .fos file.